Thanks for taking the time to find out a little more about me.
Like me, you’re obviously curious about the man behind the curtain. I love to read about me pages, and it means a lot to me that you’ve taken the time to learn if I’m a serial killer, or not!

My wife and I at a friend’s wedding. And yes, I’d had plenty of wine by this stage.
My friends call me Scoota, or Scotty.
I’m 31 years old, happily married to my high school sweetheart (strange, I know – haha!) with 1 amazing daughter, and another very much on the way…due late October 2014.
In my full time job, I am the IT Manager for a large, local company where I personally install, manage, and maintain a complex network of over 300 devices and provide support for the users, amongst many other things.
I love some parts of my job (maybe just the fact it pays my mortgage) but I think I’m quickly losing my hair as a result. Hmm. Or perhaps that’s from the wife and kids!
What do I do outside of PBN Lab?
Aside from being a father, husband and an IT Manager…

Racing the 2013 WEMBO 24 Hour MTB World Champs
I’m hugely into bikes. I grew up racing dirt bikes and riding a BMX bike. In the past 5 years, I’ve grown very fond of mountain biking (and road cycling) and I’ve discovered my love for ultra-endurance mountain bike racing.
I recently finished my first 24 hour solo mountain bike race. If you’re not familiar, these races start at 12 noon on a Saturday and finish at 12 noon on Sunday. We literally race for 24 hours straight, right through the night, without stopping and of course without sleeping. I was lucky enough to do this on the World stage, and race amongst the World’s best 24 hour mountain bikers. I’m currently ranked 115th in the world as a result! =)
Before the 24 hour solo, I threw everything I had at a couple of 12 hour races, some 6 hour races (too fast for me) and some 100km events. I love, love, love, the internal battle that endurance racing offers. You come face-to-face with your soul when you’ve already given everything you’ve got physically. The mental game is much, much harder – and much more rewarding.
I really enjoy making something that solves a real problem, or that creates a new opportunity. And that generally means “nerding out” writing software, like I have with PBN Lab.
I love the TV show Mythbusters. I’m a Spotify Premium member with somewhat eclectic taste – currently drifting between a 90’s grunge list, an Australian hip-hop artist Illy, the RHCP back catalogue and as we speak, the latest album from Broken Bells!
I’m a huge fan of Corona’s and I don’t mind a good Merlot.
And I am addicted to coffee.
Why did I start PBN Lab?
I’ve built a couple of niche sites, and have done everything I can in my power to get these sites to rank. It seems I’m chasing some super-competitive keywords.
If I were a betting man, I’d say that you’re in the same boat as me. You either have a web site you’re trying to rank, and/or you’re trying to generate an income online.
Am I right?
My next step was going to be buying backlinks, or start building my own private blog network. I decided to build my own PBN, which is where I hit my next stumbling block.
The biggest challenge in building a PBN is getting your hands on premium domain names – without paying a premium price and without spending hours of your own time, in which case you may as well have paid the premium. Time equals money!
I started trying to get domains from drop lists, without success.
Then I learned how people are finding domains themselves using Xenu Link Sleuth, and so I gave that a go too. It worked, but it was still very time consuming and it created a lot of work…using bulk domain availability tools, then filtering, then manually pulling metrics for the domains. Bah!
There had to be an easier way. But unfortunately there wasn’t. Not until out of frustration I went ahead and started writing my very own Expired Domain Spider.
Once I got started and saw success, I thought “if I need this software – so do other people, just like me” and I started writing it with other people in mind.
But, then my software became an absolute goliath and I couldn’t possibly release it to the public based on the overheads required to run it.
As an alternative, I’ve decided to give you access to the front-end, let my software (running on my VPS) perform all the grunt work and it’ll simply deliver you the results – without any fuss!
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I’ll keep you up to date on the happenings with PBN Lab, and let you know when I’ve got any other insights to share on expired domains, PBNs or SEO.
Get in touch!
If you’d like to know me better, my Twitter account is @pbnlab and you’ll find me on Facebook or Google Plus.
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you out.
Thanks for reading this far!
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